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Light Benders Academy offers three tailored learning experiences to meet your professional needs.Beginner Optician Bootcamp, Intermediate Optician Training, ABO Certification Study Group.


Our training programs are designed to help Opticians of all skill levels reach the next step in their careers! From basic to experienced optics, accreditation and beyond, our programs are designed for success.

WHY IS Lightbenders Academy DIFFERENT?

  • It’s a live INTERACTIVE course with a REAL teacher held on Zoom.

  • Students are HELD ACCOUNTABLE in their learning with homework that they submit WEEKLY.

  • Students have a weekly sales challenges that they MUST complete for points towards their certification of completion.

  • LBA focuses on ACTUAL optical scenarios not just bits and pieces of knowledge bombs that they have to figure out on their own.

  • Students receive a 126 page workbook that included TROUBLESHOOTING techniques, that the coach walks them through page by page.

  • MENTORSHIP- students have access to a mentor for the remainder of their career as they continue to grow and develop in their craft.

  • Students graduate with a certificate of completion and the CONFIDENCE to move on to ABO certification levels with the Opticians Association of their state.

  • The cost is equivalent to the optician selling 2 additional pairs of glasses in 1 months time

  • Offices that have worked with LBA have seen an increase in optical sales by at least 10% in the 30 day time period.

  • 1:1 coaching to meet the SPECIFIC needs and development of the student.

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